Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Frittata, Cupcakes, and Sausage

Thursday's Lunches
The primary part of tomorrow's bento is the broccoli-and-cheese frittata left over from dinner.  To fill space around the slice of frittata, i put a little piece of leftover sausage on a toothpick with a grape tomato, and snuck a piece of coffee candy in the other corner.  For mom's lunch, she wanted two portions of salad, so I gave her a mix of chard, kale, and spinach, with some blueberries sprinkled throughout.  I also gave her half of a kind bar for dessert.  For dad's lunch, he has triscuits and hummus, and for dessert, a cupcake and the other half of the kind bar.

Recipe for the Frittata:
1 cup of cooked broccoli
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
6 eggs
1/2 cup heavy cream
salt and pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 350F.  Grease a 9" pie pan with butter, oil, or cooking spray.  Spread the broccoli and shredded cheese evenly across the bottom of the pan.  In a separate large bowl, combine eggs, cream, salt, and pepper.  Whisk it together until it's very well combined, then pour it over the broccoli and cheese.  Bake for 30-45 minutes or until you can stab it with a knife and have it come out clean.

I used this recipe for the cupcakes, subbing in a mushed up banana for 1/2 cup of applesauce (the recipe itself calls for 1 1/2 cups of applesauce and i only had 1 cup and a banana that needed to be eaten).  I also made my own frosting in lieu of the cream cheese one given in the recipe.  Here is the recipe for my frosting:

8oz tub of Marscapone cheese
1 cup of powdered sugar
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice

Use the whisk attachment of a stand mixer.  Stir together the marscapone with half of the powdered sugar.  Gradually bring up the speed until it is just incorporated.  Reduce the speed and then add the rest of the ingredients.  Once again, gradually bring up the speed until you see soft peaks form on the end of the whisk when you lift it up.  Let the cupcakes cool completely before you frost them, and top with sprinkles, if desired.  This recipe should be enough for ~12 cupcakes, but you can prob stretch it to 16 if you're stingy with it.

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